What is Functional Medicine?
I’d like to get into “What is functional medicine?” and what it entails. Learn more about this in-depth practice in this edition of Dr. Em’s Functional Health Minutes!
I’d like to get into “What is functional medicine?” and what it entails. Learn more about this in-depth practice in this edition of Dr. Em’s Functional Health Minutes!
SIBO can look different from patient to patient and it’s very common for it to overlap with other gastrointestinal disorders. Here are some common signs and symptoms of SIBO and strategies you can employ and track to see if symptoms improve.
Exactly how candida presents can differ from person to person but there are a couple of unique telltale signs that set a candida diagnosis apart from other conditions.
The organisms living in your gut are abundant and a central part of your health. With over 80 percent of the immune system cells residing in your gut, a healthy microbiome is the foundation of your health. So, what makes a gut microbiome healthy? Let’s take a closer look.
Maya Nahra, RD and I recently sat down to discuss the dynamics of health coaching habit changing. Watch the discussion here!
We’re living in a time where we can manipulate our diets to optimize our bodies for personal health goals. This list takes full advantage of that knowledge.
Looking to start the new year feeling rejuvenated? Maya Nahra, RD and I teach you how to do a 30 Day Paleo Reset in this informational video. Also learn how to create healthy habits that last beyond the reset.
The reason so many diets and healthy habits fail isn’t due to your lack of willpower, it’s in how you approach the whole idea of changing habits altogether.
Bodywork has been used to improve health and wellness for thousands of years and offers enormous benefits! Here are 4 of my favorite bodywork techniques.
Thyroid Disorders and Habit Change with Dr. Emily Parke, DO and Maya Nahra, RDDr. Emily Parke, DO and Maya Nahra, RD sat down to discuss Thyroid Disorders and Habit change. You can watch the discussion above and read the transcript below. Thyroid Disorders are any dysfunction of the butterfly-shaped gland at the base of the neck (thyroid).…