This article was written by Bnu Blackwind
Your skin is the largest organ in your body; make sure you are taking good care of it! Knowledge of what goes on your skin will empower you to have a healthy sense of well being, as well as beautiful skin. Skin care products formulated with synthetic chemicals should be eliminated from your daily application. 70% of products applied to your skin enter the bloodstream in approximately 30 seconds, so it is important to use skin care that is good for your insides too!
There are many types of skin care products on the market. At Arizona Wellness Medicine we use only RAW organic, “fresh foods”, blended using a special method, similar to crafting fresh juices and smoothies at a high-end organic juice bar. What you put on your face and body are just as important as the foods you eat/put in your body. Avoidance of conventional products, that are similar to “processed foods”, that are transformed ingredients by physical or chemical means into other unnatural forms, preserved and/or formulated with synthetic chemical that are harmful when absorbed by the body. Many personal care products contain ingredients that are not safe and have not been tested for long-term toxic effects. Daily exposure to hundreds of different synthetic chemicals, are suspected of contributing to cancer and disrupting hormones. A few common harmful chemicals to avoid include parabens, phthalates, triclosan, and sodium laurel sulfate. There are many, many more to watch out for! For more assistance with evaluating your skin care products, the Environmental Working Group has an app you can download called Skin Deep, which grades products according their ingredients.
Remember the facts:
Your skin is the largest absorption and elimination organ and immune defense barrier; raw organic skin care products, ingredients, fresh with micronutrients, benefits the health of your skin by infusing and providing the absolute purest nourishment and protection for beautiful skin.
The truth is:
1938 – FDA granted the cosmetics industry self-regulation, although EPA tests conclude ingredients in many personal care products “…. playing havoc with hormones that control reproduction and development.”; further, manufacturers don’t have to tell and products can be marketed without government approval of ingredients.
For healthy and radiant skin for yourself and family, always read the ingredient labels and know what’s in your products. Be Responsible, acquire knowledge, and avoid products with harmful, hazardous and toxic ingredients.
Walk in Beauty