Betsy Kantor, MD, is board certified in both Anesthesiology and Pediatrics, and is an Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner. She is also trained in Nutrigenomic Analysis, Environmental Medicine, Cogence Immunonolgy, and Root Cause Protocol mineral balancing.
Dr. Kantor earned her Bachelors Degree from the University of California Santa Cruz in 1979. After a few years of exploring the world, she attended the University of Kansas Medical School in her hometown of Kansas City.
Upon graduation from Medical School, she completed her residency training at the University of California Davis Medical Center, first in Pediatrics including a final year in Pediatric Pulmonary/critical care, and then Anesthesiology.
After completing Anesthesia training in 1993, she joined, the University of California, Davis Department of Anesthesia as an Assistant Clinical Professor. In that position, she practiced both pediatric and adult anesthesia, and was involved in teaching and mentoring Residents in Anesthesia, and medical students. In 2003, she took a private practice job in Anesthesia in Phoenix, AZ, again practicing both adult and pediatric anesthesia.
Dr. Kantor has been a lifelong sports and fitness enthusiast. She played varsity tennis in high school. She has been an avid endurance runner throughout the years, qualifying for and participating in the 2012 Boston Marathon. She then moved on to triathlon, and is a five time Arizona Ironman distance finisher. Her interest in sports nutrition and health led her to formal training in these disciplines, culminating in pursuing the Institute of Functional Medicine curriculum.