Dr. Emily Parke – Arizona Wellness Medicine, LLC

Fat 101

Fat 101

Fat 101

Hi, my name is Kate Simpson. I’m the functional medicine health coach at Arizona Wellness Medicine, and this is your Way to Wellness update.

In this segment I’m going to sharing how fat, contrary to popular belief, is actually good for us. And specifically I’m going to be highlighting the ways in which we utilize fat within our bodies.

So one of the first ways is as an insulator. We have a thin layer of fat that runs beneath our skin helping to insulate, protect, and maintain our proper body temperature.

Additionally we have a thin layer of fat that runs around every major organ, and that acts like a shock absorber helping to protect it in case of sudden impact.

A fun fact is that our brains are made up of at least 60% fat.

We need fat in our diets in order to produce our hormones, and every cell membrane is made up of a bi-phospholipid layer, which is essentially fat. So as you can see, fat is an essential nutrient and should be a part of all of our diets. Thanks so much, and I look forward to seeing you on the next Way To Wellness update.

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