Dr. Emily Parke – Arizona Wellness Medicine, LLC

Jacqui Lombari, MS, CNS, LDN

About Jacqui Lombari

Jacqui Lombari (MS, CNS, LDN) is a Board-Certified Nutrition Specialist® and is on track to become a Board-Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner. She obtained her Master’s degree in Human Nutrition & Functional Medicine from the University of Western States and completed the Functional Nutrition Residency Program at Dr. Kara Fitzgerald’s clinic.

Her passion lies in addressing the root cause of chronic disease through diet and lifestyle. This passion originated from her previous experience working in the emergency department, where many of her patients had complex stories, were lost, and poorly understood within the conventional medicine setting.

Following that, she participated in a Spanish Immersion Program in Guatemala for future healthcare workers. While the experience was life-changing, she contracted a parasite along the way and embarked on a personal journey to address SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth). It was during this time that Jacqui discovered functional medicine and the transformative power of nutrition.

Currently, Jacqui works in multiple clinical settings, guiding patients through their health journeys by focusing on personalized nutrition plans that support healing. Her experience encompasses a wide variety of therapeutic diet plans, including but not limited to LOW FODMAP, ketogenic diet, Wahls Protocol, low histamine diet, and low sulfur diet. Additionally, she has a passion for sports nutrition stemming from her love of trail running and ultramarathon training in Arizona. Above all, Jacqui is an empathetic listener who understands the nuances of nutrition.

Jacqui Lombari (MS, CNS, LDN)
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