Dr. Emily Parke – Arizona Wellness Medicine, LLC

How To Do a Detox Safely

How To Do a Detox Safely

How To Do a Detox Safely

Let’s talk about the basics you will need to know in order to successfully complete a safe detox!  First, what does the term “detox” really mean?  It refers to the process your body goes through in order to neutralize and get rid of any toxins you are exposed to.  Toxins refer to anything your internal or external environments are exposed to, including things like food, alcohol, drugs, medications, allergens, molds, microbes, etc…  Your liver plays a crucial role in this process, as it completes 2 phases of detoxification, phase I and phase II, before substances are eliminated from the body.


During phase I of detoxification, substances are modified and transformed into compounds that can be passed on to phase II for completion of detoxification.  Many of these substances and metabolites are free radicals that can cause damage to cells, which in turn have the potential to not only make you feel ill, but can also contribute to disease.  This is why it is absolutely necessary to make sure your phase II detox pathways are set up properly before attempting a “detox” program.  During phase II of detoxification, conjugation happens, which makes the intermediate free radical substances from phase I more water soluble, so they can be eliminated in urine or bile via stool.  This brings up a very important point about elimination.  You also need to ensure drinking enough good quality water, at least half your body weight in ounces, AND that you are having at least daily bowel movements before attempting a detox.  If you are not having a daily bowel movement, adding more vegetable fiber to the diet will certainly help get things going.  If you need more assistance than that, magnesium citrate, aloe, and triphala (of course choose one to start with) are easy supplements to add until you are having a daily bowel movement.  Of course sweating, including exercise or infrared sauna use for example, are great ways to help the detoxification process along also, as sweat and breath are also ways we eliminate toxins.


Unfortunately, many people will attempt to go from a very poor quality diet and lifestyle one day, and think starting a juice fast to “detox” the next day will make them feel better, only to find out they feel sick, or worse, at the beginning of their detox.  Before undergoing any detox or elimination food plan, I have my patients complete a 3-week prep plan, to ensure those pathways are set up properly.  Only if someone already has a relatively clean diet and lifestyle will I recommend starting a detox or elimination food plan right away.  Other patients may need 4-6 weeks or more to get started with nutrition and lifestyle changes, and may need extra assistance in following through on their plan.  I always tell my patients it is more important that the steps before their food plan or detox actually happen, rather than how fast they happen!


While it is not recommended to stay on a detox or limited nutrition plan of any kind long-term, there are many elements that will be permanent lifestyle changes, such as enough water intake, increased vegetable content in the diet, and continued elimination of poor quality and inflammatory foods.  Food plays an important role in all phases of detoxification, thus making sure you nutrition is on point BEFORE you attempt a detox is paramount.  If you attempt going form pizza and beer on Sunday to carrot sticks and celery juice on Monday, the process is likely to fail, and you feel miserable too!  And of course, if you have any serious medical problems, please consult your physician before proceeding, especially if you have known liver or kidney disease.  Please see the necessary steps below in order to enjoy all the benefits of successful detox.


Things to work on Pre-Detox



Now you are ready to safely begin your detox!  Here is Dr. Parke’s recommended 7-day Detox program.

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